Sathorn Suite Room7073 1 Bed, Bangkok

1 Bedroom Apartment Suite, near Sathorn (id:617)

2 Visiteurs / 1 Chambres / 1 Salles de bain /

Points clés

  • Located in the central business district in Bangkok
  • Communal hotel style facilities
  • Close to the BRT bus line
  • Free Wi-Fi internet

This one-bedroom serviced apartment is one of the most sought after by business travellers. With complete luxury, and close proximity to the business, this is one of the hottest apartments in Bangkok, so don’t miss out!

1 Bedroom Apartment Suite in Bangkok

Long stay or short, this serviced apartment in Bangkok offers the best accommodation choice in the capital. With all the comforts of home and the modern facilities in the complex that include an international spa, a swimming pool, a fitness center, a choice of international restaurants, a clubhouse and a children's play area, there is nothing more for which you could ask.


This Bangkok apartment comes with a cozy kitchen, dining area, living area and an attached bathroom. Room service is absolutely professional in addition to the variety in dining as well as activities. All within a lush tropical climate with green gardens surrounding it, this apartment can serve as a base for a romantic getaway as well as a convenient business trip.


Satthorn, Bangkok

On the edge of Bangkok's central business district, Sathorn is a hub of activity and is easily connected to the rest of the city. You can conveniently get to the Skytrain using a dedicated bus service at only 10 baht. Pleasure trips on the Chao Phraya River, simple boat trips, easily available taxis and the complimentary bus service run by the complex are all conveniently accessible.



1 Chambres, Couchages 2

Salles de bains

1 Salles de bain

Hébergement et installations

  • Arrivée: 13:00 / Départ 11:00
    (arrivée et départ flexibles selon disponibilités)

    Minimum Nuits (sauf en haute saison)
    Pour les réservations de moins de Nuits, S'il vous plait faites votre demande.

    Caution de garantie: 0JPY

  • Qu'est ce qui est inclus?

    • Electricité inclut: Gratuit
    • Support client 24/7
    • Eau inclut: Gratuit
    • Excursions à prix réduits
    • Service quotidien de femme de ménage
    • Serviettes changées tous les 2 jours
    • Toutes les taxes et frais de service
    • Draps changés tous les 4 jours
    • Wifi gratuit illimité

    Suppléments sur demande (sélectionnable au moment de la réservation)

    • Transfert aéroport
    • Location de voiture
    • Chef cuisinier privé
    • Excursions
    • Babysitter
    • Lit supplémentaire
    Aménagements généraux
    Installations pour la cuisine
    swimming pools Piscine & Spa
    Installations extérieures



  • 92.8 km
  • Restaurants: Onsite
  • Vie nocturne: 2 km
  • Boutiques: Onsite
  • Spa / Bien-être Onsite


Cette villa n’a pas de disponibilités

Tarifs saisonniers

La villa ne dispose pas de tarif

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Booking in Bangkok

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Arrival: __/__/____ Departure: __/__/____ Nights:

¥ 0
JPY/Par Nuit
¥ 0
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Demande pour Sathorn Suite Room7073 1 Bed, Bangkok


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